Begin at the beginning
Coastmoor came into being at the behest of the BBC’s Get Writing website, where to join you had to have a pen name. At the time (2003-2004) I was living in Devon, within reach of both the coast and Dartmoor; hence the coastmoor name was born.
The first publication was poetry from quite a while before that, at least back to 1993 if this year’s (2023) thirtieth-anniversary edition is to be believed.

At university, in Buxton (2005-2006), it is fair to say that my poetry writing was prolific, after all, I had few distractions and much angst to dispel.
Putting individual works into collections seemed to be a natural progression, especially when a new relationship began, and once again, I had found someone to try to impress.
It was a short step from hand-made pamphlets and home-printed collections to professional artwork and sincere recommendations.
In 2009 Amazon began publishing books, two years later Coastmoor submitted its first book. This service carries on, with various levels of support and intervention. If you want help with publishing your book please shout out via email to christopher@coastmoor.co.uk