Writing and meditation are really neat bedfellows.
What better way to loosen your cares and begin to enjoy your day than by writing, or meditating, or why not combine them.

Settle yourself into your favoured meditation space, but with a notebook at hand, also music may be helpful.
Write for five or six minutes in a free-writing or stream-of-consciousness style, perhaps about a loved one or a time you cared for.
Put the notebook to one side, and sit with your eyes closed for about ten minutes. Allow your thoughts to come and go as they wish, try not to force anything.
If you are of a mind repeat the process, either way, end by saying thanks for the meditation.

Mindgeist uses the Amazon platform for its publications.
Utilizing the notes and thoughts from meditation your process may be rounded off by compiling a poem.
Within a couple of months, you will have sufficient poems for a collection.
If you wish for encouragement or assistance, with either meditation or publishing your poems, please get in touch via email to mindgeist@coastmoor.co.uk